He’s on a quest…
What’s half a threesome? A twosome, or a oneandahalfsome? Is that even a word, maybe I’ve coined a new hentai term, maybe even a new hentai category: big tits, hot babes, futa, dick girls, yuri, and oneandahalfsomes. Doubt it would ever be more than an adult cartoon or web comic niche at best. 😀
With Buzz Comix and Adult.Frumph web comic lists now gone, PronQuest has lost two of it’s biggest web comic traffic sources, still have Top Web Comics (which has been the biggest traffic source), The Web Comic List, WebComicz, and the few Hentai link exchange sites, but those tend to be mazes of odd hentai blind links to nonexistent pics, flash, and animation dead ends and what not. God bless, Juicy Ads, if not for that we’d be facing the internet oblivion of potential site closure. If anyone’s feeling supportive/generous we could always use some more links to the main page, pronquest.com and if you include with the linked phrase “PronQuest – daily updated hentai web comic” and/or maybe a few choice keywords like sex, fucking, funny, toon, porn, (you can view source code on the main page to see the keywords I used) it helps us rank in the search engine for those words. for example:
PronQuest – funny daily hentai web comic with frequent cartoon sex pics
Just be careful where it’s placed and that it’s okay to link to porn/hentai (hentai/adult forums are almost always fair game).
The more links we get, the higher we rank, the more pissed off the censors who are trying to keep it off the internet get. Maybe at some point they’ll blow a blood vessel or something. ^_^
Hmmm…Perhaps a oneandahalfsome would involve something like a mad scientist-type or necromancer who try to cobble together a creature to bring to life. The problem being that the whatever-it-is wakes up when it’s only been half cobbled together.