Sorry, Gone Fucking.
Sorry, Gone Fucking.
Be back when done fucking, if he fucking feels like it. If he doesn’t fucking feel like it he might do something fucking different. If you got a fucking problem with that he probably doesn’t fucking care. ( I think I channeled by inner General Tommy Franks there.) And if you’re not familiar with General Tommy Franks, a little blurb Alyssa Milano shared with Esquire magazine: “I went to Iraq on a USO tour. This was two months after the war was declared over. When we got on the ground, they started throwing us helmets and bulletproof vests. I’m wearing a little Prada shirt, you know. I wanted to look good for the boys. Basically, I was doing my service to the country. And so I put this vest on, which was about ten pounds, and this helmet and I go over to Tommy Franks, General Franks? And I said, ‘I have to be honest with you. I’m freaking out a little bit right now. I just need to know that we’re going to be okay.’ And he said, ‘Little darlin’, I guarantee you this: We’ve got more bullets than they got assholes.’ Not quite the answer I was looking for.”
Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)
Castle Cockenstein is currently Closed.
Management is:
Will be back when:
Sorry for the Inconvenience, -Dicodemos
Lord of Castle Cockenstein”
Countess DeJuggula: “What the fuck?”
Skellie #19: “Told you. At least he left a nice note.”
Countess DeJuggula: “All right. Change of plan. Batimus, you get Cockenstein back up and running. I’m going to have to run our little side trip on my own.”
Skellie #19: “You shouldn’t be alone, Let me go with you, I can lay you all the log you could possibly want!”
Batimus Whorsythe: “Nope, I’m going to need you two helping me get this castle in shape.”
Skellie with Binoculars: “In shape? Are you talking about some kind of fitness program? Cause the skellies are going to need a lot of milk!”