Sorry, Gone Fucking.

Be back when done fucking, if he fucking feels like it. If he doesn’t fucking feel like it he might do something fucking different. If you got a fucking problem with that he probably doesn’t fucking care. ( I think I channeled by inner General Tommy Franks there.) And if you’re not familiar with General Tommy Franks, a little blurb Alyssa Milano shared with Esquire magazine: “I went to Iraq on a USO tour. This was two months after the war was declared over. When we got on the ground, they started throwing us helmets and bulletproof vests. I’m wearing a little Prada shirt, you know. I wanted to look good for the boys. Basically, I was doing my service to the country. And so I put this vest on, which was about ten pounds, and this helmet and I go over to Tommy Franks, General Franks? And I said, ‘I have to be honest with you. I’m freaking out a little bit right now. I just need to know that we’re going to be okay.’ And he said, ‘Little darlin’, I guarantee you this: We’ve got more bullets than they got assholes.’ Not quite the answer I was looking for.”

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)


Castle Cockenstein is currently Closed.

Management is:

Will be back when:
Sorry for the Inconvenience, -Dicodemos
Lord of Castle Cockenstein”

Countess DeJuggula: “What the fuck?”
Skellie #19: “Told you. At least he left a nice note.”
Countess DeJuggula: “All right. Change of plan. Batimus, you get Cockenstein back up and running. I’m going to have to run our little side trip on my own.”
Skellie #19: “You shouldn’t be alone, Let me go with you, I can lay you all the log you could possibly want!”
Batimus Whorsythe: “Nope, I’m going to need you two helping me get this castle in shape.”
Skellie with Binoculars: “In shape? Are you talking about some kind of fitness program? Cause the skellies are going to need a lot of milk!”