You can lick it!
Wow, even with the boost in outgoing traffic for the award winners at Frumph, PronQuest has almost reclaimed the top slot, I’d appreciate as many votes as possible, for those who don’t know, as of November 1st, PronQuest will no longer be allowed to compete or be listed in the ranking system there due to a new non-adult policy for the main site. And most of the comics there seem to be pretty happy about that. It’d sure be nice to go out in the number one position though. 😛 Also, favoriting PronQuest at Frumph gives us a 10 vote boost.
Okay, I’ll make everyone a deal, if PronQuest can get 25 people to mark it as a favorite at Webcomicz and 25 people to mark it as a favorite at Frumph by the end of October, I’ll make an animation of Libby. And knowing me, that means the boobs will have to be a bouncing. 25 at each, could be the same 25 people, could be different people.
Current status: 29 at Frumph (thanks Blackram, rndmwitedude, jcs535s, EBSplooge, MacePaladino, Badmojo1, phobus, kevin, dangrymidget, Kalbuto, Compwiz13, seussghost, mumbalia, scraps, treiden, Jimbob, Andoran, lawd37, Necrocent, soulhunter, deadworm, KingJack, elynsynos86, grymntl, Dblnggr, hphuhtin Syrkel, sknirf, aylith), and 21 at Webcomicz ! It only takes 4 more at Webcomicz to make Libby’s boobs bounce…
VOTE BUTTONS Alright, October is Vote Incentive Month. There will be 16 promo pics for Top Web Comics and 16 different promo pics for BuzzComix this month. Each day I’ll flip a coin and if its “tails” I’ll upload the next pic of the 16, but I’ll 16 will be uploaded before November 1st. Top Web Comics will have the 16 part minicomic of Redd and Horndog, while Buzz will have 16 Halloween themed images.