Wild Tentacle Pumpkins….
on March 19, 2009
at 1:05 am
keep dragging me away… (for some reason that phrase with Garth Brooks singing it kept going through my head when I was working on the pumpkin scenes). Hentai, tentacles, webcomic, they all go together right? Pumpkins seem to fit the plan to add tentacle rape hentai to the webcomic, albeit demonic tentacle pumpkins. The pumpkins were actually one of the first monster / 3D models I had set for PronQuest, the pumpkin tentacle rape sex scene was actually planned out BEFORE the first Lobo / Libby scene. Anyway, it’s an adult webcomic and the Pumpkins are over 18 so the fucking demon tentacle rape is completely legal.
“…and the Pumpkins are over 18…”
Well, as far as you’ve said, the pumpkins themselves are more likely to be about 4 years old, since Kongress took 3 years just to get settled into place. However, as a demon, Kongress himself is pretty much immortal & could be literally hundreds-of-thousands of years old already.
…To be honest, I never really enjoyed the mental image of senior citizens having sex, though…