The Royal Twit (NOT Michael Jackson) likes Game of Thrones Porn.
Although maybe Michael Jackson LIKES Game of Thrones? Who doesn’t like GoT, plot, great fucking acting, fucking porn, normal fucking, fucking people up, heck maybe it should be renamed Game of Fucking. I kinda agree with the King on this one. I think twitter is far over abused and exposed. “Oh, look! Such a cute puppy”, “Light turned green I’m driving through the intersection now.” and “Which hole is it supposed to go in again?” >_< ANYWAY the Royal Hamerican House is based on the House Lanister from Game of Thrones aka Song of Fire and Ice. The King (King Evan) has one daughter (that we currently know of and yes, she isn't the only one as will eventually be revealed if I ever get to that comic) and one brother Lord Lylwin the Duke of Pork who has two children Jamesey and Chelsea who love each other when one of them is in the mood, which apparently happens quite often and deeply as in Jamesey's cock is deeply into his sister Chelsea's vagina... or ass... or mouth... or available lady in waiting. I didn't even have to add in hentai or sexual twists to the Game of Thrones characters as they already had a pornholio of it already.