Ready Player One to win Worthless Justin Bieber Cartoon Porn Tickets.
It was a toss up between “Justin Bieber” tickets and “Tickets to Trump’s Inauguration” and I went with the safe and less political punch line. In case you missed it, is now updating THREE DAYS a week, Wednesday (PronQuest), Thursday (Nine Tails of Titsune), and Friday (Dungeon Booty). And Dungeon Booty #2 with Aahzra the Skeevish and Spelvert the Snarktastic is updating on weekends on my Patreon account.

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Purbert: “You missed. Try again.”
Purbert: “There you go.”
Libby Belle: “So, do I get any loot?”
Purbert: “Give it a minute.”
You have found:
A half eaten chicken leg.
721 empty wine bottles.
Libby Belle: “That… Doesn’t seem like it’s worth the effort.”
Lobo the Frog: “721 empty wine bottles? Was someone reenacting 999 bottles of wine on the wall, the musical?”
Purbert: “It’s probably been awhile since anyone’s collected the flotsam and the empty wine bottles just kept accumulating. Most of the loot will be worthless.”
You have found:
Justin Bieber tickets.
Purbert: “Like I said, worthless, And keep shooting. This is for practice not loot.”
The Boudin Mousse: “Dibs on the half eaten chicken leg…”