Not in the Face!
Not in the Face!
Running behind still, have some issues with my arm that’s slowing me down, really painful elbow which I’m hoping will heal up in a week or so.
Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)
Rupert the Ready: “Oh, gahd. What a headache. I don’t remember drinking THAT much… actually I don’t remember much of anything at all.”
Rupert the Ready: “Let’s see, there’s a bed, a night stand, a crazy scrub dragon with a sledge hammer…”
Rupert the Ready: “WAIT! Scrub dragon with a sledge hammer?! I didn’t mean it! It was an accident, whatever I did, I’m sorry. I didn’t know she was your sister!!”
Chekwita the Monkey Girl: “Wow, think he’s going to be okay?”
Pussy Katt: “It’s his own fault, should’ve landed on his feet.”
Lobo the Frog: “Could you throw that sledge hammer down here? I think he’s still squirming.”
Daunkey the Drag Ass: “Are you CRAZY? I might hit somebody!”
Lobo the Frog: “Drop it on the lump on the floor, you already hit him with it, can’t do any more damage can it?”
Hmmm…The title for today’s comic page got me to remember something. At YouTube, copy /watch?v=Ng6hSSUvCLk into the URL address box. Then when the video pops up, click over to the time at 17 minutes, 25 seconds. I think it’s appropriate to the title here.