Boob Snuggles.
on October 23, 2008
at 12:21 am
Boob snuggling. Now, THAT should be an Olympic sport. Who doesn’t like boobies?
Okay, I’ll make everyone a deal, if PronQuest can get 25 people to mark it as a favorite at Webcomicz and 25 people to mark it as a favorite at Frumph by the end of October, I’ll make an animation of Libby. And knowing me, that means the boobs will have to be a bouncing. 25 at each, could be the same 25 people, could be different people.
Current status: 9 at Frumph (thanks Badmojo1, phobus, kevin, dangrymidget Kalbuto, Compwiz13 ) and 9 at Webcomicz ! It only takes 16 more to make Libby’s boobs bounce…
I haven’t confirmed it as Stan Lee being being the original source for this, but he said that to him, comics are like boobs; they’re okay when seen on the computer (porn & webcomics), but he likes them both much better when he can hold them in his hands.