A Guest Plus Two.
A Guest Plus Two.
Uploaded the new page of Magical Virgin Princess Training Academy to the Patreon account. New vote incentive today, and A SECOND VOTE INCENTIVE up at Mammazon, both are prospective new Princesses for MVPTA.
Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)
Bang Her Clothes Off: Quest Failed.
Purbert: “Her first day as a Whorelord and she’s already giving out FUCKING quests…”
Taylor Teesamat: “And impossible ones to boot, the “Golden amour” set is deigned to not come over during sex.”
Bruthe the Bartender falls asleep. “Snooore”
Libby Belle: “What? But, I lost a piece in the beginning!”
Taylor Teesamat: “Really? Look again, it’s all back on, it probably hadn’t “bonded” to you yet.”
Libby Belle: “Non removable clothes? This is not good…”
Daunkey the Drag Ass: “Hey, Boss, the Queen’s Chancellor said this Whorelord of yours could come and bring her chancellor plus two retainers. ”
Purbert: “Two retainers, guess we need to figure out who will be the most useful..”
Bruthe the Bartender falls asleep. “Snooore”
Libby Belle: “Uh, a little help back here, I’m kind of pinned against the table…”
Non fukoffable clothes? She may as well be in solitary confinement! Though, something tells me she’ll find a way.
Taylor only said that the armor won’t come off during sex…That doesn’t mean Libby can’t take it of for sex.
It’s Libby, of course she will.
Not to come off….
“Golden amour” set is deigned to not come over during sex.”
Thanks, should be fixed now.
It doesn’t matter if they can be removed during sex or not, she’s still accessible…
next thing know the fire belching toad makes a comeback
As long as Libby can start fucking him BEFORE his breathing gets hot & heavy, the armor should still stay on.
there’s what i assume to be a typo in panel 1 “deigned” should be designed? if webster’s dictionary is accurate anyways deigned means to “do something you think you shouldn’t have to because you are too important”
Thanks, should be fixed now.
‘Not to cum off during sex’ does not mean they can’t cum off to have sex
Sadly, the quest to screw her till she’s satisfied would’ve been at least twice as hard as the quest the guy failed at.