If the System Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It.
on December 24, 2020
at 4:32 pm
If the System Ain’t Broke Don’t Fix It.
But the system’s pretty much ALWAYS broke.
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)
Grumpel the Lecherous Leprechaun: “Can’t have the lassie waking up just yet. time for some leprechaun magic…”
Grumpel the Lecherous Leprechaun: “something old and reliable should do just the trick…”
Not sure which would be worse for our Irish friend, Titsune waking up and turning him into a cocksleeve or Titsune’s father showing up and turning him into a snack. Either way you would take him a whole lot of magic to survive the experiences.