I Will Hentai Holy Knight Hammer You In Cartoon Carnal Combat!
Quick! Put a protective bubble around yourself and go make a bologna sandwich while the rest of the party does the work.

New vote incentive for PronQuest showing the style I’ve finally gotten down over the last 9 months and a sneak peak of the upcoming comic Khrome which will be set in the Portcall Uranus universe (it’s an easier story to get the art style ironed out of the Portcall reboot). As in totally new and not one of the FORTY PLUS vote incentives I’ve made and uploaded to the $1 Patreon folder and STILL HAVEN’T used any of them yet. I did upload a larger version of this weeks vote incentive to that folder too.

PLUS finally started updating the Hentai High teen sex comic which will spawn in the Insatiable Spider Slut at ComicFury.

ALSO, by the end of the month I’m going to start a fundraiser to raise money to fund me through the summer with some art packs. Most of them have been available for my $10 Patreons but by the end of the month a few sets will be complete and I’ll retire them from Patreon and start selling them as art packs. Goblin fucking Elves is only four images from being done.

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Titsune, big tits fox girl: “I’ve only completed two parts of this quest? Darn that slacking fairy fucker…”
Paola, Mammazon warrior: “Fine. If you’re too scared to initiate PVP* combat then I guess I’ll have to do it myself..”
Holy Knight Bors Ta’Daeth: “Scared? Scared? That’s it you shameless hussy!”
Holy Knight Bors Ta’Daeth: “I will fuck you into the ground!!”
Paola, Mammazon warrior: “Oh, my. Your cock is shaking with rage! Guess I’m gonna have to keep you pissed!”