Online Porn Pirates Get Away with their Hentai Booty.
Cabin Boy still has chores to do with that cock of his.

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Whortuga, capitol of the booty Queen…
Blondalyn Fury: “Alright now that the ship’s docked, the three of us need to declare prize with the Booty Queen. ”
The Cabin Boy: “Three of us? Why do I have to go? I promise I won’t escape… * ”
Britney Spitz: “Big Sister there Has been dreaming of having her own ship and becoming a pirate Captain for years. To be recognized as a captain with your own ship requires a fee.”
Blondalyn Fury: “After I become a pirate captain we’ll spend the rest of the night in the tavern celebrating and raising a crew.”
The Cabin Boy: “Sounds great, but I wish you weren’t in such a hurry so I could have had time to put on my pants.”
Britney Spitz: “Heh. You aren’t going to need pants, You’re the fee.”
* He’s lying. He’s totally planning to escape.