Every Big Tits Cartoon Porn Slut Hole Must Be Filled with Hentai Monster Cock from Hell.
Because EVERYONE is watching their fronts. Technically I think the big one went for HER first, although she did PRESENT herself to him so I guess you could say she picked a fuck with the biggest dick in the yard.

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Fire Sprite that thinks he has binoculars: “Just gotta time this between thrusts to get my cock in that mouth hole..”
Random Demon: “Gimmee some of that ass, little girl!”

Complete in 81 thrusts.

Purvold Destroyer of Holes: “When I’m done with your cunt I may hold off a bit on your other holes so my boys can have a taste of you…”
(He’s totally NOT planning on doing that)
Random Side Demon: “Looks like some kind of worm burrowed down that hole….”
Another Side Demon: “So… This bitch has WORMS?!”
Random Side Demon: “From the size of that hole… she’s got Arrakis sand worms.”
Fire Sprite that thinks he has binoculars: “Open wide and say ‘Ah,’ bitch, I’m putting you on the keto diet!”
Purvold Destroyer of Holes: “The fuck?! She looks like…. She’s ENJOYING this? “