Bred or Alive You’re Cumming with Us.
They obviously seen Robocop.

EDIT: Sorry for the late updates had a LOT of real life stuff, work, military, old worn out appliances and ice storm hit me all at once.

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Dragon Brute: “Sorry, Mister, we got bigger tits to fry…”
Flamus the Fire Mage: “So… Purbert’s in the city, that’s all I really needed to know…”
Other Dragon Brute: “All right, Demon Lady, Bred or alive… You’re coming with us!”
Hersute the Demon Champion of Demusa: “What the Hael did you say?! Wait… Did he say ‘dead’ or ‘bred’?”