In Case of Emergency, Break out Cock.
Sexual… emergency.

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Titsune, big tits kitsune fox girl: “First, you’re way too small for me to fit…”
Titsune, big tits kitsune fox girl: “And second, my cock’s not even out where I COULD fuck you, little fairy.”
Sammie the Sexy Kitsune: “Oh, I can help get that cock out…”
Pornswoggle the Whore Leafed to himself: “You know… I should probably be heading out while they’re distracted…”
Titsune, big tits kitsune fox girl as her cock suddenly reappears: “What the hael?! Warn me before you do that!”
Sammie the Sexy Kitsune: “You just have to know the right ‘buttons’ to push… And as for the first part…”
Pornswoggle the Whore Leafed to himself: “Da fux? Definitely need to get out o’here before I’m on the receiving end o’that!”