I Guess He Had to Wank Start his Brain.
To figure that out. I mean it was staring him right in the brain wanker. This is the last page of Titsune issue 7, and there are only 9 issues of Titune planned.

Comic Dialogue
(If you have Wii Gloves for you wee little fingers it’s also electronic Braille.)

Grumpel the Lecherous Leprechaun: “Looks like de wee fairy fuck show’s done tinkered out…”
Grumpel the Lecherous Leprechaun: “Tis a good thing I’ve still got this ripe curvy lass to wank me willy to!”
Grumpel the Lecherous Leprechaun: “Course, if I twas to get a wee bit closer I could do a wee bit more than wanking…”